Generated Menus

One of the points of CWF is that it provides an API you can use to generate your urlpatterns and menu system from without repeating yourself.

So part of the options available is about saying how the sections are represented in the menu system.

Section menu options

The options available that directly affect how a section appears in the menu are as follows:


Hardcode that a section should be displayed as only available via admin privelege.


Whether to show this section at all.

Note that this option will not propogate to it’s children if the propogate_display option is False.


What name is displayed to the end user for this section.


Allows you to have this section appear multiple times with different values. See Section Values


Whether to display the children of this section at the same level as this section. See Promoted Sections


Whether the display option should be propogated to a section’s children.

Section Values

There exists a situation where a section can contain multiple values and you want your menu to display all those possible values.

CWF provides the values option for specifying this.

This option should be set to an object with a get_info method that returns a list of [(url, alias), (url, alias), …] where each pair represents another value.

To assist with this, CWF provides the cwf.sections.Values object.


This functionality will also work with child sections such that each value will get all the children of the original section and those children may have their own collection of values and so on.

The Values object takes the following options:


The values to use.

This can be a list of [value, value, value, …].

Or it can be a callable lambda ((request, parent_url_parts, path)) : [value, value, value, …]

Where request is the request object, path is a list of the parts that makes up the current url. And parent_url_parts is all the parts in the url leading up to the parent of the current section.


A callable lambda ((request, parent_url_parts, path), value) : (url, alias)

If this isn’t set, then the alias and url will both be set to the value provided by the values option.


If it’s Falsey then no sorting will occur.

If it’s Truthy then the values are sorted.

If it’s a callable, then the values are sorted and sorter is used as the second argument to the python sorted function.


Say whether to remove duplicate values before we work out the alias and url for each value.


Whether to sort after or before we determine the alias and url for each value.

For example:

section = Section().configure(''
    , target = 'nlsBase'
    , alias  = 'NewsLetters'

ye = section.add('\d{4}').configure(''
    , target = 'newsYear'
    , match  = 'year'
    , values = V(
        lambda _ : [date.year for date in News.objects.dates("pubDate", "year", "DESC")]
      , as_set = False

item = ye.add('\d+', name="newsitem").configure(''
    , target = 'newsItem'
    , match  = 'item'
    , values = V(
        lambda (r, parent, p) : News.objects.filter(pubDate__year=parent[-1]).order_by('-pubDate')
      , lambda _, value : (, unicode(value))
      , as_set  = False


This here will be used by the menu generation to produce a menu structure that looks like:

    News Item 1
    News Item 2

    News Item 3
    News Item 4
    News Item 5

Depending on the values in the database table being used here.


CWF doesn’t implement any kind of caching yet, so these functions will be called every time the menu is generated.

Creating the menu

You use the class to generate the menu system from a section for a particular request.

from import Menu

def my_view_function(request):
    menu = Menu(request, request.section)

    # Add menu to your template context
    # And do everything else as normal


If you add your views using Section, then the view you provide will be wrapped in a function that attaches that section to the request object before calling your original view

Then in your template:

# For the global navigation
{% include "cwf/menu/base.html" with menu=menu.global_nav children_template="cwf/menu/base.html" ignore_children='True' %}

# For the side navigation
{% include "cwf/menu/base.html" with menu=menu.side_nav children_template="cwf/menu/base.html" %}

To understand how to make these templates available and how to customise them , you should read the section on Templates.