Template Tags

CWF contains two custom templatetags that it uses when it’s constructing the template for the menu generation functionality provided.

These are:


Used to create a variable in the template from a block


Used to create a html element only if the body of the block provided isn’t empty


Usage for this tag is:

{% load varset %}
{% varset name_of_new_variable %}
    {% if some_condition %}
        {{some_value}} blah
    {% else %}
        another value
    {% endif %}
{% endvarset %}

After we load the varset templatetags, we have available to us a tag called varset. It takes the name of the variable to create and will put the contents between the start of that tag till endvarset and make that the value of the new variable, which can be used in your template any point after this.

So in the example above, your template will now have a variable available called name_of_new_variable with whatever that block of code evaluates into.


Usage for this tag is:

{% load wrapped %}
{% wrapped li 'class="awesome" style="background-color:red"' %}
    {% if condition %}
        <p>wicked awesome</p>
    {% endif %}
{% endwrapped %}

This allows us to create an html element that will only appear if it has something inside of it.

So in the example above it will create:

<li class="awesome" style="background-color:red">
    <p>wicked awesome</p>

If condition is truthy. Otherwise, there isn’t anything between the wrapped and endwrapped tags except for whitespace and so it won’t even output the <li>.