Url for a section

Sections will appear in the urlpatterns based on the url, name and parent it has on itself; and depending on some of the options it has.

The url and name attributes are assigned when the section is created , and parent is assigned implicityly when you add children to a section.

How the url is interpreted

The url for each section is built when the urlpatterns are created and are generated by concatenating the urls from the lineage of parent sections to the section we’re adding a url for.

If there is no parents and our section’s url is None then it is replaced with ‘.*’.

If there are no parents and our section’s url is an empty string then it is replaced with ‘^$’.

Otherwise, all duplicate slashes are remove , it is prefixed with a ‘^’ and forced to end with ‘/$’.

If you set catch_all to False, then it won’t append the url with a / or $

Section url options

You can affect how the section is added via an include via the app_name and namespace options into “section.configure”

See the Splitter section for when that would happen.

Configure also provides the match option which will make that section appear as a named regex group in the url:

# This section here has configured match to "blah"

So for this section, it’s url part will look like:



You can see what url part a section will have by doing:

>>> from cwf.sections import Section
>>> from cwf.sections.pattern_list import PatternList
>>> section = Section("\d+").configure(match="blah")
>>> PatternList(section).url_part()

Ommitting a section from urlpatterns

A section will be ommitted entirely from the urlpatterns if it has no configured view but all it’s children will still appear in the urlpatterns.

For example:

from cwf.sections import Section

section = Section().configure(module="webthing.views")

numbers = section.add('numbers')

urlpatterns = section.patterns()

Is equivalent to:

from django.conf.urls import patterns

urlpatterns = patterns(''
    , (r'^numbers/one/$', 'webthing.views.one')
    , (r'^numbers/two/$', 'webthing.views.two')