Admin Templates

CWF supplies some templates to compliment the admin functionality.

These are:


Renders a blank admin page with the breadcrumbs filled out


Renders a model changeform with any buttons you’ve defined


Renders a model changelist with any buttons you’ve defined

As long as you make the templates available then the changelist and changeform templates will be used automatically by the admin and the blank template is available for you to use in any custom admin pages you create.


These templates do assume you’re using grappelli


This template is useful to extend from when you’re returning a template for a Button View. It provides an empty page with the breadcrumbs already filled out with Home, the model, the instance of the model and the description of the button as the last part.

It works by extending admin/base_site.html and using the following:


Name of the current app


The name of the model in the app that is being edited


The object being edited


The name of the current page

As part of the base_site.html template it inherits from, you have the content block available to add information to the body of the page.


If there is no object then it assumes you’re url has one less part to it and will change the breadcrumb to only display Home, app, model, button.


This is the form that is used by django admin to display the form when you are adding or editing an instance of a model.

The CWF version of this template will display the buttons that have the for_all option set to False.

Those buttons that don’t save the template when they are clicked are displayed at the top of the page and those that do save the form when they are clicked are displayed at the bottom of the page. See Button Html for more information.

ButtonGroups are displayed in a collapsible panel of rows where each row has two columns: The button itself and it’s description.

All buttons are displayed using the button html.

For example, say we have the following button specification in our admin:

class BallAdmin(ButtonAdmin):

    buttons = (
          Button("printxml", "Tickets as xml", need_super_user=False, new_window=True, save_on_click=False)
        , Button("printable", "Print tickets", need_super_user=False, new_window=True, save_on_click=False)
        , Button("barcodes", "Barcode Stickers", need_super_user=False, new_window=True, save_on_click=False)

        , ButtonGroup("Admin",
            ( Button('shuffletickets', "Shuffle Tickets", need_super_user=False, needs_auth='cecmain.admin_ball'
                , description="Used to make sure we have less tables than max allowed"
            , Button('registerall', "Register all Tickets", need_super_user=False, needs_auth='cecmain.admin_ball'
                , description="Used to register enough tickets such that the number of registered tickets is the number of sold tickets"
            , Button('renumber', "Renumber Tables", need_super_user=False, needs_auth='cecmain.admin_ball'
                , description="Used to renumber tables after ticket shuffle so they are in sequential order"
            , Button('deleteempty', "Delete Empty Tables", need_super_user=False, needs_auth='cecmain.admin_ball'
                , description="Delete all the empty tables"
            , need_super_user=False, needs_auth='cecmain.admin_ball'

        , Button('configure', "Configure Test Ball", new_window=True, need_super_user=False, needs_auth='cecmain.admin_ball'
            # Only show configure for test ball
            , condition = lambda button, ball : ball and ball.is_test_ball()
        , Button('tickets', "Look at Tickets", need_super_user=False)
        , Button('manageTables', "Manage Tables", need_super_user=False)


We’ll get a changeform that looks something like:



This is the form that is used by django admin to display the list of instances of a particular model.

The CWF version of this template will display the buttons that have the for_all option set to True.

They are displayed at the top of the page and doesn’t support button groups.

So say we had the following code in our admin:

class SponsorAdmin(ButtonAdmin):

    buttons = (
          Button('findsponsors', "Find Sponsors", for_all=True)


We’ll get a changelist that looks something like:
